Almaas University

University Management

The way the university is managed follows the Statute (charter/law) of the university. The statute describes the organizational chart of the university, its hierarchies and work flow.
The administration of the university is done through (four) functions:
Anything related to admission, student intake and records of students comes under the Registrar and the Office of Admission. Marketing and advertisements are function that boost up the intake and increasing enrolment of students.
The function related to human resource and their recruitment comes under the Human Resource Director. Equal opportunity management is exercised to fill up the job vacancies that appear from time to time.
Fees, other revenues generated and expenses incurred, donations from donors and partnerships are all managed by the Finance Department, headed by Finance Director and supervised by the Deputy Rector for Finance/Admin. Expenditures include rents of premises, and mainly wages of the staff and the lecturers. The university has assets of its own and safeguarding that is part of the duties of the asset controller.
The academic matters, course lecturers, the university time table and its operation, including the exams are all functions relevant to the Academic Directorate. Presenting new courses such as BSc and MSc and short Diploma and Certificate courses are introduced by the Deans and the Departmental heads.
All the above functions, duties and responsibilities come under the auspices of the Rector of the university who is in total charge for the smooth operation of the university.

University Board

As the chief and over-all manager, supervisor and administrator of university assets, the Board determines financial provisions for capital, expenditure and reserve of the University. The organ which is mandated to spearhead collaborations and linkages with other bodies or organizations, also receives grants, donations or endowments on behalf of the University.
The Rector of the University is a member of the Board.


 The Rector is highest executive office in the University and exercises direct leadership in terms of: Implementation of development strategy of the University
 Employment and remuneration policy,
 Organization of the work of the Board of the University
 Cooperation of the University with local government bodies and international organisations,
 Investment policy,
 Protection of personal data and classified information,
 Management control,
 Internal audit and internal control,
 Occupational health and safety,
 Legal support,
 University’s promotion

Deputy Rector for Finance/Admin

The Deputy Rector main responsibilities include to be in charge when the Rector is away, or when the Rector asks the Deputy to represent him.

Deans and the Faculties

Deans head the Faculties, while some faculties have two or more departments.

Executive Council

This Council is responsible for the smooth operation of the university and handles mostly the academic matters and issues. It consists of all the Deans of the faculties and directors and the Registrar. They sit once a week for discussion and it is headed by the Rector.

Finance / Admin Council

This Council is responsible for administration and financial matters. Its responsibilities also include admission, fees and financial matters. The Council consists of the Finance/Admin Director, Deputy Directors and their meeting is chaired by the Rector. The Rector can delegate the power to the Deputy, if he requires so.


• The registrar’s job is to plan, organise and manage all of the activities related to the records, registration and admission. The Registrar works closely with the Finance Directorate.
• The Registrar is the official authorized keeper of the university’s student records.
• The Registrar hires, supervises and evaluates the Records and Registrar staff members.
• The Registrar organizes and administers the records, registration and graduation functions.
• The Registrar participates and serves as part of the Student Services Team.
• The Registrar must have a Masters degree in student services, educational administration or a related area.

Directorates and offices

• Director of finance / admin
• Human Resources Office
• Assets controller
• Academic quality assurance office
• Director of academics
• Examinations office
• Admission office
• Records office
• Director of research services
• Director of information and communication technology (ICT)
• Director of examinations
• The Library and e-Library
• Directorate of linkages and partnerships